Karen Riggs MPH, RDN, LD

I Will Meet You Where You Are

I know what it’s like to be frustrated with digestive issues and joint pain.  Being sick after eating was my “normal” from an early age. For years I was dismissed by physicians with a sensitive stomach, growing pains, fibromyalgia, potential rheumatoid arthritis. As an adult, physicians medicated my symptoms but could not diagnose my underlying problem. I spent almost 10 years trying to find help for my unbearable fatigue, stomach and joint pain.  Doctor after doctor promised me there was nothing wrong with me; I was a “woman at a certain age.”  But I followed my gut, my intuition until I found a diagnosis. Hereditary Hemochromatosis (iron overload) with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and food sensitivities.   Even though I had a Masters in Public Health and loved to cook, I couldn’t figure out what to eat. There was a huge gap in my health care. Why was no one talking to me about what I ate? I did see a dietitian but what she recommended did not work with my lifestyle.  Filling the gap between medical diagnosis, symptoms, nutrition, and lifestyle is my reason for being a Registered Dietitian. Everyone has a story, and understanding your story is the cornerstone of my philosophy. Are you frustrated with your medical history? Confused with nutrition information overload? Have symptoms, gastrointestinal issues with every meal? Struggle with your weight? As a dietitian, I want to accept you wherever you are on your journey.  I work for you to find the optimal dietary patterns within your lifestyle to help you achieve your goals. My role is not to dictate exactly what to do, but to provide insight based on where you are. I have 25 years of experience working in health with a local, national, and international focus.  As a dietitian I bring years of professional and personal work, with the strong belief in the importance of lifestyle and life stage impact on diet and health.

Education and Professional Experience:


Stop feeling stuck.  This does not have to be your normal.